Patient safety investigations

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Blurred hospital corridor with staff member walking.
HSIB legacy content

Provision of mental health care to patients presenting at the emergency department

In England, it is estimated that 5% of all hospital emergency department attendances are primarily due to mental ill-health. This investigation reinforces the need for emergency mental health care 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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  • Theme:

    Mental health, Access to care
  • Safety recommendation responses received

A blurred ambulance travels at speed past the Houses of Parliament in London.
HSIB legacy content

Emergency response to heart attack

This investigation looks at the emergency response to heart attack across the NHS in England.
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  • Theme:

    Emergency care, Access to care
  • Safety recommendation responses received

A patient's hand rests on their hospital bed with an unused cannula in place.
HSIB legacy content

Residual drugs in intravenous cannulae and extension lines

This patient safety investigation looks at the risks to patients when intravenous (IV) drugs are retained in cannulae and extension lines.
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  • Theme:

    Medical devices, Checking
  • Safety recommendation responses received

A tired healthcare worker wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) sits with their head in their hands.
HSIB legacy content

Learning from maternal death investigations during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

We have carried out a themed review of our maternal death investigations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
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  • Theme:

    Maternity, Coronavirus (COVID-19)
A mother cradles a newborn baby.
HSIB legacy content

Severe brain injury, early neonatal death and intrapartum stillbirth associated with larger babies and shoulder dystocia

In March 2020, we published a national learning report to highlight the themes emerging from the initial investigations carried out as part of our maternity investigation programme.
Read the summary
  • Theme:

    Maternity, Communication and decision making
  • Safety recommendation responses received

Blurred hospital staff in a corridor.
HSIB legacy content

Never events: analysis of HSIB's national investigations

This national learning report analyses the findings of the investigations previously carried out by HSIB concerning incidents classified as never events.
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  • Theme:

    Never events
  • Safety recommendation responses received

Two people wearing masks sit distanced on a sofa, talking.
HSIB legacy content

Support for staff following patient safety incidents

This national learning report explores HSIB’s insights into how NHS staff are supported by their trusts following patient safety incidents, with a focus on good practice.
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  • Theme:

    NHS staff
A blurred hospital corridor with a healthcare professional walking away and a drip stand in the foreground.
HSIB legacy content

Placement of nasogastric tubes

This investigation looks at nasogastric tubes and how previously identified safety improvements for the placement of these tubes are put into practice.
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  • Theme:

    Medical devices, Checking
  • Safety recommendation responses received

A smart infusion pump at a patient's bedside.
HSIB legacy content

Procurement, usability and adoption of ‘smart’ infusion pumps

Although the aim of smart infusion pumps is to improve patient safety, the technology can introduce new risks. This investigation focused on understanding the challenges involved in introducing smart infusion pump technology within NHS hospitals.
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  • Theme:

    Communication and decision making, Medical devices
  • Safety recommendation responses received

A woman lies on a hospital bed in labour.
HSIB legacy content

Delays to intrapartum intervention once fetal compromise is suspected

We have identified a safety risk in maternity care relating to delays to intrapartum intervention once fetal compromise is suspected. The term intrapartum refers to the period of time spanning the commencement of labour, the birth of the baby and the delivery of the placenta and membranes.
Read the summary
  • Theme:

    Maternity, Communication and decision making
  • Safety recommendation responses received

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