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Healthcare provision in prisons
We've analysed the patient safety issues frequently highlighted within prison healthcare to identify themes. Our team is visiting prisons across England to investigate emergency care, continuity of care and data sharing and IT. First report of three now published.
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Emergency care, Communication and decision making, Continuity of care -
Awaiting safety recommendation responses
Recognition of sepsis: investigating under the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
We have launched three investigations to help address patient safety risks associated with recognition of sepsis.
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Delayed diagnosis, Hospital care, Patient safety themes
Medication related harm
Medication is the most common intervention for patients in the NHS. In the most serious cases, delayed and missed medication can cause catastrophic effects. We have launched three local investigations and one national investigation into medication related harm.
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Medication, Communication and decision making, Continuity of care
Pre-hospital interpretation of electrocardiograms (ECG) in ambulance services
We have launched two investigations to help address patient safety risks associated with electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation by ambulance crews in cases of ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction (StEMI).
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Emergency care, Cardiac
Keeping children and young people with mental health needs safe: the design of the paediatric ward
This investigation looks at the risk factors associated with the design of paediatric wards in acute hospitals for children and young people with mental health needs.
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Mental health, Acute, Ward design -
Awaiting safety recommendation responses
Patients at risk of self-harm: continuous observation
This investigation has found limited evidence that the current approach to continuous observation of adult patients at risk of self-harm on hospital wards is effective.
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Hospital care -
Awaiting safety recommendation responses
Nutrition management of acutely unwell patients in acute medical units
Acute medical units (AMUs) are the first point of entry for patients referred to hospital as an emergency by their GP and those who require admission from emergency departments. This investigation seeks to support improvements in identification and management of nutritional needs in AMUs.
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Acute, Hospital care, Continuity of care
Retained swabs following invasive procedures: themes identified from a review of NHS serious incident reports
Retained swabs are classed as Never Events. Data shows there has been 11-23 retained swab incidents per year since 2015. The investigation was launched after we examined the case of a patient who had two swabs left in her chest following serious heart surgery.
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Medical devices, Checking, Surgical -
Awaiting safety recommendation responses
Fatigue risk in healthcare and its impact on patient safety
Fatigue presents a potential significant risk to patient safety and staff wellbeing. In other safety-critical industries, fatigue is monitored and routinely considered as a potential contributory factor in safety incidents.
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NHS staff, Patient safety themes
Safety management systems
These investigations consider how safety management is coordinated and integrated across the healthcare system. They look at accountability beyond organisational boundaries and involving NHS staff and patients.
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NHS staff, Patient safety themes, Patient and family, Continuity of care