Patient safety investigations

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Button batteries.
HSIB legacy content

Undetected button/coin cell battery ingestion in children

This investigation looks at the undetected ingestion of button/coin cell batteries in children. It follows a reference event where a child died following the unknown and undetected ingestion of a coin cell battery.
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  • Theme:

    Emergency care, Communication and decision making
  • Safety recommendation responses received

X-ray of a shoulder and chest.
HSIB legacy content

Failures in communication or follow-up of unexpected significant radiological findings

X-rays are the most common radiological examination. 22.9 million were carried out in the NHS in 2016/17. Failures in communication or follow-up of unexpected significant radiological findings is a nationally recognised patient safety risk. 
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  • Theme:

    Access to care, Medical tests
  • Safety recommendation responses received

The screen of a patient monitor in a hospital.
HSIB legacy content

Recognising and responding to critically unwell patients

Problems in recognising and responding to deteriorating patients continues to be a major source of severe harm and preventable death in hospitals. Previous research has shown that up to a quarter of preventable deaths are related to failures in clinical monitoring.
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  • Theme:

    Communication and decision making, Hospital care
  • Safety recommendation responses received

An adult hand holds a child's hand with a bandaged intravenous (IV) line.
HSIB legacy content

Inadvertent administration of an oral liquid into a vein

This investigation emphasises that complex and fragmented medicine safety processes are putting patients across the country at risk. The report puts forward safety recommendations aimed at driving national improvement to reduce potentially fatal medication errors.
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  • Theme:

    Medication, Checking
  • Safety recommendation responses received

Oxygen valve.
HSIB legacy content

Piped supply of medical air and oxygen

This investigation focuses on the design and implementation of patient safety alerts. It follows a reference event where an 85-year old woman was connected to the piped medical air supply, instead of the oxygen supply, whilst she was receiving hospital treatment after a fall at home.
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  • Theme:

    Never events
  • Safety recommendation responses received

Blurred rear doors of an ambulance.
HSIB legacy content

Transfer of critically ill adults

This investigation looks at the transfer of critically ill adults. It has previously been referred to as 'Cardiac and vascular pathways', but the original investigation was split. This is part one of the investigation.
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  • Theme:

    Access to care, Hospital care
  • Safety recommendation responses received

Portable oxygen cylinder on a hospital ward.
HSIB legacy content

Design and safe use of portable oxygen systems

NHS Improvement issued a patient safety alert on medical devices in January 2018. It highlighted 400 incidents - including six deaths - over three years that involved the incorrect operation of oxygen cylinder controls. This investigation reinforces that alert and makes further safety recommendatio…
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  • Theme:

    Medical devices, Checking
  • Safety recommendation responses received

A female patient has an eye examination.
HSIB legacy content

Insertion of an incorrect intraocular lens

Cataract removal and implantation of an artificial lens is the most common surgical procedure undertaken by the NHS. Insertion of an incorrect intraocular lens was the most commonly reported never event in England between April 2016 and March 2017. A never event is a serious incident that is entire…
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  • Theme:

    Checking, Surgical
  • Safety recommendation responses received

A clinician prepares a nerve block injection.
HSIB legacy content

Administering a wrong site nerve block

This investigation seeks to identify opportunities and systemic remedies to reduce the risk of wrong site anaesthetic nerve blocks occurring. Anaesthetic nerve blocks are injections to block pain in a specific region of the body.
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  • Theme:

    Checking, Surgical
  • Safety recommendation responses received

A doctor looks at an X-ray showing a hip replacement.
HSIB legacy content

Implantation of wrong prostheses during joint replacement surgery

This investigation relates to the implantation of the wrong prostheses (artificial body parts) during joint replacement surgery - a surgical never event. A never event is a serious incident that is entirely preventable.
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  • Theme:

    Checking, Surgical
  • Safety recommendation responses received

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